Here are just a few of the many testimonials, feedback, references and examples of case studies from clients and leading experts in the field of personal change and development.

Expert Testimonials

"I regard Steve Crabb as one of the top coaches in the world if you get the chance to coach or train with Steve - grab it"
Client Testimonials
An absolutely life-changing experience I feel so much better. I was recommended to see Steve by a friend who saw him to treat her panic anxiety and depression. I thoroughly recommend Steve Crabb to anyone suffering with a phobia, depression or anxiety.
Julie Bone
Paul McKenna - Bestselling author and self-help expert

“Steve has been supporting me on our trainings for over seven years now, and has gone from strength to strength as both trainer and coach. He is one of a very small number of people I know who I would recommend to anyone, regardless of the depth, longevity, or complexity of the problem they were working on solving.”
I had seen a number of people and almost given up hope of getting rid of my phobias. I went to a hypnosis seminar with Paul McKenna and asked him if he would help me, he recommended I go see Steve. Although I was initially disappointed at not working with Paul, after meeting Steve I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions of my life.​
Michael White
Steve was very professional and has a very calming, caring manner. He put me at my ease very quickly even though I was extremely nervous. I feel like I have my life back again. Thank you, Steve.
Mary Haines
Michael Neill - Bestselling Hay House author and Transformational coach.

“I highly recommend Stephen Crabb. He is continually updating his training with the most up-to-date skills I have developed and is licensed internationally through the Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.”
Dr, Richard Bandler - Co-Creator of NLP
The explanations about how the mind and body work helped me to understand why I had my phobia. The sessions flew by and although I was sceptical at first when we went into the lift and there was no fear whatsoever I felt like crying with relief. Steve is amazing.
Julia Goodman
Steve came to see me because I was unable to leave my house because of fear. In two sessions he was able to do what no one in the mental health team was able to in 6 years, which was to make me feel like I was normal and wasn’t a lost cause. When we went for a walk and Steve left me to walk home on my own I couldn’t believe how easy it was.

“Steve is a warm, enigmatic trainer, he is constantly listening, observing and seeking ways to enhance his skills. By sharing his skills he has helped to shape and mentor many talented people, his commitment to lifelong learning is admirable and demonstrates that he is worthy of the title of Master Trainer.”
John LaValle - President of The Society of NLP & Author of Persuasion Engineering

“Steve Crabb has successfully helped clients I have referred to him and I would happily continue to send him anyone who wishes professional business coaching as well as personal therapy. In addition he is a genuinely lovely man to work with”
Dr. Natheera Indrasenan
NLP Master Trainer owner of Accuity Doctor training company.
“As a therapist and NLP trainer myself, I am often asked to recommend someone out of my area. When asked, I am extremely fussy who I will recommend – I would only ever recommend someone I would be willing to send my family or close friends too.
Steve is one of the few people who I could, hand on heart, recommend. His innovative style is matched by his level of skill, both in therapy and in training.”
Sue Pullen - Hypnotherapist and NLP trainer
"Steve is a world-class trainer and a highly skilled coach who can create change in a very subtle and precise manner. With an ever-increasing skill set, Steve displays the attributes of someone who can do what he teaches, not just talk about it. I highly recommend Steve to individuals and organisations wishing to create change at the deepest level."
Adrian Brown
Personal Development Consultant and Paramedic
"Steve is an amazing coach, a master NLP trainer, a person of great integrity, wisdom. He has excellent facilitation skills, a great sense of humour, and he can assist you move through 'stuff' like a knife through butter so you can be your best self. He has superb insight into language and how we use it, and sees how we hold ourselves back, and uses his very real ability to unleash potential and limiting beliefs in his coachees. I would thoroughly recommend Steve for organisational, executive coaching as well as personal and professional coaching. I continue to work with Steve and appreciate his expertise and wonderful personality. He is a delight and a change agent in all senses of the word."
Chantelle McKenna
The hypnosis was so different to what I had expected peaceful and I have no idea what was said but it worked, Incredible!
Brian De'ath
People used to laugh at my insect phobia but it stopped me from being able to relax even in my own home. I feel like seeing Steve has given me my life back.
Alison Harris
It’s been over three years since first seeing Steve for my flying phobia since then I have been on short-haul and one long haul flight without any of the old anxiety. I recently went back to see Steve for another issue which he also dealt with in only one session. I really believe what he has taught me which is I am a strong person, that there was never anything wrong with me and that I am a fast learner and I feel now that anything is possible.
S Basu
I was terrified before my first session and Steve helped me to calm down in 15 minutes. Amazing he has given me back control of my life,
Marcus Silva
Steve Crabb you are forever on my Christmas card list thanks once again.
Maria Gittos
I met Steve to one of the NLP trainings in London. I then went to one of Steve's own workshops and all the way through in the back of my mind I knew I had to deal with my phobia of talking to groups. When Steve asked if there was anything holding us back in life, I was reluctant to put my hand up but he seemed to sense this and chose me as his demonstration subject. He is a master at what he does, I don’t recall much of what happened but do remember the hypnosis as being very relaxing. As others have said if you get the chance to work with Steve grab it as he is a master at what he does.
Brendon Kelly
Fiona Jacobs - Hospital Nursing Director & Transformational Coach