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Living Phobia Free – Fear of Public Speaking – #11 Switching off the worry machine – Part One

Steve Crabb

How do you get to the Albert / Carnegie Hall? Practice.

How do you learn a new language? Practice.

How do you learn to play an instrument? Practice.

How do you learn and become accomplished at any skill? Practice.

How do you get good at worrying before giving a talk or presentation? You Practice Worrying !!!

What we practice we get better at and eventually the skill becomes a habit, which can run like a machine on automatic settings. Anyone with a fear of public speaking (or any phobia for that matter) will have practiced the skill of worrying and unwittingly developed an accomplished habit and switched on the worry machine.

Switching off the worry machine in your mind

Do you have a smart phone?

Every now and then you have to upload the updates and agree to the list of terms and conditions, which most people simply tick and never read. Ever noticed there was an update, which you hadn’t agreed to, or an app downloaded which you no longer want?

The mind operates like this; we first learn what to be scared about and the system then downloads and switches on the worry app which is designed to protect us. The mind doesn’t even need you to read or agree the terms and conditions it accepts them on your behalf. It regularly updates the settings depending upon your experiences and your thinking.

For some with a fear of public speaking the setting can be as low as slightly worried to as high as PANIC.

In this mini series I will show you a number of ways to switch off the worry machine by changing the settings. Think of these ways as “thought experiments”, have fun with them and practice because practice not worrying will also eventually become a habit.


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Author of “Business Coaching & Mentoring for Dummies” written for business coaches to help them to coach and guide their clients and for entrepreneurs and executives who want to know more about high level professional coaching.Purchase a copy on- Amazon

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